

Beşiktaş JK Board Members open Beşiktaş Park in Mersin

Beşiktaş JK Deputy Chairman Mete Vardar and Board Members Yalçın Ayaydın, Feyyaz Uçar and Kadir Kılıç took part in the opening ceremony of Beşiktaş 100th Year Park in Mersin. In addition to Mersin Beşiktaş Supporters Association, which helped build the park, Beşiktaş Supporters Associations from Hatay, Adana, Antalya, Sivas and Bremen also attended the event.

In his speech at the ceremony, Beşiktaş JK Deputy Chairman Mete Vardar said: "We will stand by our club on this road together, arm in arm. I believe that we will see the good days again. We will serve our Beşiktaş until our last breath."