

Chairman Çebi’s National Sovereignty and Children's Day Message

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), which was established under the leadership of Ataturk on 23 April 1920 and referred to as the Turkish Parliament, has been a fundamental and indispensable part of our republic for exactly a century. It has not only helped build a modern and soverign Turkey following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire but also withstood challenges much greater than today’s coronavirus outbreak.

April 23rd was proclaimed a national holiday in 1921, making it the first public holiday in the new republic. Since 1927 it has also been marked as the Children's Day, when the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23rd to the children of Turkey to recognise that children were the future of the nation.

In 1979, UNICEF recognised this important national day as an international event. In the years since 1979, Turkey has hosted thousands of children from countries all over the world on Children's Day.

With this opportunity, I proudly and wholeheartedly celebrate your National Sovereignty and Children's Day!

Looking forward to healthier and more peaceful days ahead...

Ahmet Nur Çebi


Beşiktaş JK