
The President’s New Year Message

Beşiktaş JK Predisent Yıldırım Demirören congratulated the new year of all Beşiktaş community in his message:

Wishing that 2005 brings days full of new hopes, health, happiness and success for our families and our Beşiktaş, I would like to congratulate your new year with my most sincere wishes.
I fully believe that our Beşiktaş will relate the most beautiful messages of unity and solidarity to the whole sporting public and it will continue to take significant steps toward becoming a
World Club.
My greatest wish for Turkish Sports in 2005 is the ending of the anarchy in the stands, which deeply hurt all of us last year, and coming to life of the fair play concept in its true sense.
With my deeply felt love and respect,
Yıldırım Demirören
BJK Chairman of Board of Directors

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