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FOOTBALL - 12.07.2024

FOOTBALL - 12.07.2024

FOOTBALL - 12.07.2024

Paulista holds press conference

New Black Eagle Gabriel Paulista held a press conference at Beşiktaş camp in  Slovenia and made these comments:

"Throughout my career, I've always played for big teams. Now, I play for Beşiktaş, which is also a big team. That's why I'm grateful to those who made my transfer to Istanbul."

"I'm quite happy  here. Istanbul is a beautiful city and very similar to my hometown Sao Paulo in Brazil. This makes my adaptation process much easier."  

"I want to write a success story at Beşiktaş. Towards this goal, I am working hard to improve myself.  I also would like to pass on my experience to younger players. I can say that I am leader on and off the pitch. And I want to show that part of me here."

"In big teams like Besiktas, expectations are always high from newcomers. I'm aware of the expectations from me. In the new season, I will focus solely on the championship title and show my winning spirit on the pitch.   Beşiktaş fans will never see a Paulista on the pitch who loses his ambition, passion and will to win.  I've always shown those in the clubs I previously played for.  I will fight from the kick-off to the final whistle for Beşiktaş’ success."

"There is a good solidarity in the team.  Everyone helps each other. Although there are cultural and language differences, I think the bond is very strong. If we want to be successful, we must be united as a team at all times."

"Under the guidance of our internationally respected coach Giovanni van Bronckhorst, we will achieve a lot this season." 


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